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Lead an unforgettable trip and travel the world
“Aside from my own growth, it was an honor to witness the youngsters mature as cyclists and people.”
- Senior Leader, Cross Country
Each senior leadership applicant goes through a lengthy application process and a personal interview with a director. Because personality is critical in making a trip successful, leaders must complete a 5-day training course in Massachusetts before being assigned a trip (with some exceptions). Leaders receive further training for their particular trip during a 4-5 day orientation period just before their trip departure date and must return to SHP for 3 days after their trips for maintains close contact with leaders during their trips. Our leaders are not meant to be tour guides, but each leader has extensive, time-tested SHP notes and guides for the area in which the group is traveling. All leaders must hold a valid Red Cross First Aid Certificate and many have water safety and advanced first aid training as well.
“I decided to travel the world on my bicycle grasping hold of different cultures, people, and experiences.”
- Assistant Leader Spain + Portugal
Assistant Leader
Many SHP assistant leaders are drawn from within the program as former trippers. All assistant leaders must also have first aid training. Assistant leader positions present an excellent opportunity for former SHP trippers to develop leadership skills and job responsibility. In fact, a tripper who receives a recommendation from his/her leader can look forward to many years of involvement with SHP, culminating in senior leadership.SHP trips usually have 8-12 trippers and 2-3 leaders. We make every effort to achieve a reasonable male-to-female ratio.